
TODAY, I started my day off with a nice, juicy, yummy apple. Around six months ago, I started eating apples everyday. My mom helped me get into this habit because she said it’s healthy, obviously, but now it’s more than a habit; it’s a lifestyle.

Anyway, one good thing about apples is that they keep you full. Apples include a lot of fiber, and eating the apple involves a lot of chewing and tricks the body into thinking that it’s eating more. Apples can also lower blood cholesterol and reduce risks of diseases like certain cancers, diabetes, and stroke. They are rich in antioxidants and help protect the brain from detrimental effects of stress. Red apples are said to be good for the heart and memory function, while green apples are beneficial for bones and teeth.

Advice of the day: try eating an apple a day.

P.S. Apples should be eaten in the morning though.

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